Who is it for?

For dancers wanting to cross train, ex-dancers who are ready to get back into “ballet shape” and those who have always been interested in ballet and how to get the look of a beautiful dancer's body!  

What is it?

This cross between yoga postures and ballet technique will engage muscles, create awareness of posture and strengthen from head to toe.   

How do you do it?

The 6 classes in this series are designed to focus on the key elements of ballet – postural awareness, strength in the core, lower body love, upper body appreciation, strength for balance and a flowy stretch.


Discover a new way to keep your body in shape while developing strength and long, lean dancer muscles! 

All classes in the 6 class series are 30 minutes or less to allow for maximum focus on each area in a short amount of time. 

Although each class has a specific target area, they are designed for overall body strength and with effective cuing you will receive a FULL body workout! 



This series will focus on  

-overall strength, including engaging core to enhance posture  

-finding stability in static and dynamic movement 

-developing mind body awareness, beneficial both in class and in life for awareness of movement quality 


How to Approach the Series.


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