1 dancer (solo) - 3 minutes  

2 dancers (duo) - 3 minutes  

3-5 dancers (small group) - 4 minutes  

6-9 dancers (medium group) - 4 minutes   

10-15 dancers (large group) -5 minutes  

16+ dancers (line) - 5 minutes  

15+ dancers (production) - 5-15 minutes plus 5 minuets for set up and take down of props and sets  

  • All times limits include entrances, exits, prop setup and take down


Soloists: entered based on their age as of January 1st of the competition year. 

Duos/Trios: entered based on their median age of dancers as of January 1st of the competition year. 

Groups: entered based on their median age of dancers as of January 1st of the competition year. 


Overtime numbers may result in a penalty so please stay aware of time restrictions. 


If a dancer leaves the stage mid-dance, they will be permitted a re-dance at the discretion of the Live to Dance Inc. Director if time permits.  

Please note- re-dances will receive an adjudication but may not be eligible for scholarships and awards.  

*Re-dances due to technical difficulties will ALWAYS be allowed 


CLASSICAL BALLET- a routine incorporating classical ballet movements and music. No acro tricks permitted.  

CLASSICAL POINTE- a routine incorporating classical movements and music. Pointe shoes must be worn and all dancers must be 12+. No acro tricks permitted.   

CHARACTER BALLET- a routine incorporating classical ballet movements that clearly demonstrates a demi character theme involving a storyline or fully characterized number.  

CHARACTER POINTE- a routine incorporating classical ballet movements that clearly demonstrates a demi character theme involving a storyline or fully characterized number. Pointe shoes must be worn and all dancers must be 12+.

BALLET VARIATION- an interpretation of a traditional piece of choreographic work the shows understanding of the original intent and style of the piece of work. Can be done in soft shoes or pointe shoes. Dancers wearing pointe shoes must be 12+. No acro tricks permitted.  

CONTEMPORARY BALLET- a routine that incorporates ballet technique however is not limited to solely classical movements or music.

CONTEMPORARY POINTE- a routine that involves pointe technique however not limited to classical ballet movements.  Pointe shoes must be worn and all dancers must be 12+.  

CONTEMPORARY- a routine that incorporates freedom of movement with a fusion of modern, jazz and classical ballet styles. 

MODERN- a routine based on modern techniques such as Graham, Horton, or Limon.    

LYRICAL- a routine that interprets song lyrics and displays emotion along with fluid movement.   

JAZZ- a routine that consists primarily of jazz technique.  

TAP- a routine that consists primarily of tap technique.  No prerecorded sounds permitted.    

SONG AND DANCE- acting, singing and dancing.  Routine must display a similar amount of singing and dancing in any discipline.  No prerecorded singing or lip synching permitted.  

MUSICAL THEATRE- a routine incorporating dance choreography of any discipline that includes lip synching. 

HIP HOP- a routine that consists of street/hip hop style.   

ACRO- a routine incorporating dance choreography of any discipline and no less than 50% acro movements.  

STUDENT CHOREOGRAPHY- for students aged 13+ wishing to develop choreography skills and receive feedback on their work.  Choreography must be original.  Can be a solo, duo or group that is entered.  All Student Choreography will be categorized together.  

OPEN/SPECIALTY- a category that encompasses a routine that does not seemingly to belong in any of the above categories including novelty or ethnic dancing.  

PRODUCTION- 5-15 minutes in length. May include a variety of disciplines. Please provide details of props and quick changes or run arounds.  

ACRO TRICK LIMIT- A limit of 3 acro tricks will be permitted in any discipline that does not list acro restrictions outside of an acro category. 


Props are allowed in all categories but Classical Ballet (ballet numbers with props can be entered into Character Ballet or Variation Ballet).  

Props must be safe, easy to assemble and pre tested to make sure of stability.  

Dancers must not be more than 6 feet in the air.  

Prop set up and take down MUST be included in the length of time given for each number.  Extra time will be charged $50/30 seconds over the time limit.  

No props should display the studio name and all those putting props onstage should be free from studio logos on clothing.  

A quick clean-up of the stage after prop take down must be done to ensure the safety of upcoming dancers.  

A charge will be incurred if a prop damages, alters the stage, makes the stage or backstage area unsafe for dancers or technicians unless approved by competition owners first.  This includes but is not limited to; sprays, glitter, feathers, hay.  Please include the type of prop you have with all registrations.  

Dangerous Props are NOT PERMITTED.  Including but not limited to; flame, fireworks, strobes, smoke or haze, steam or gasoline engines, special motors, pumps, running water, live animals, etc.  

Live to dance Inc. Will not be responsible or liable for any props left unattended.  Any props left at the venue will be disposed of.  


Will be played by the teachers or studio owner/director backstage with an iPod or iPhone.  Please note that there will be an AUX cord available backstage.  However, teachers, studio owners/directors should come prepared with their own toggles if needed.